The first time I used this study method, I made 100. Then, I missed a total of only five questions the entire rest of the semester including finals, and I easily made my first 4.0.


R. Burleson – Student – Western Washington University

The last grandchild I gave one (“The Overnight Student”) to has been getting straight A’s. When I congratulated her, she said, “Well Grandma, remember that book you gave me? That’s what did it.”


G. Hopper – Enumclaw, Washington

Jill White’s friend had to take and pass a banking course as part of her job. She was nervous because she had never been good at testing. She quickly read The Overnight Student, applied it, and made the highest grade in the class. Here is Jill White’s story:


Years ago, I ran across “The Overnight Student” and started using it with my students. They each began experiencing greater success with studying and test-taking. I then began recommending the book to adults, and each one experienced the same success. Now, as a school consultant, I have been privileged to share this easy-to-read book with school leaders across the nation for their students to use, and success has been consistent and exciting. I HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone wanting to find the easiest, quickest, and surest way to success in studying.


Jill White – Jill White Coaching and Consulting

It has definitely helped many students. Your book does make a difference in the lives of our students.


C. Campbell – Discovery Program Director – Christian Heritage Academy

Learn to get straight A’s from any lecture-based course…and from well-written, print-based material as well. Instant results! Every student in middle school on up should have this book.


Mary Pride – Publisher – Practical Homeschooling magazine

Your book has so many helpful strategies, our teacher who teaches study skills reads it to her students as part of her curriculum.


J. Holdridge – Certified Educational Therapist